
Sector Development Reports

A sector development report has been produced for each of the five digital content sub-sectors. Sector development reports detail the structure of, and ways to best develop, the digital content sub-sectors in the Honeycomb eligible areas.

Also provided in this section are the detailed survey results from the Honeycomb survey of the digital content sector in the eligible areas, as well as a summary report of the key survey findings.

Framing the Future: Developing the Film and Broadcast Sector

This report provides evidence for both industry and policymakers to shape their future decision-making. A detailed overview of the film and broadcast sector in the overall and each of the Honeycomb eligible areas is provided. The skill needs of the sector, broader issues facing its development, case studies, examples of best practice and economic forecast data are all presented. The evidence base for this report was built from the Honeycomb baseline survey, a qualitative survey of the sector, as well as a future forecast research review.

Published on: 10 March, 2015

Games Sector Development Report

Informed by qualitative research interviews with industry professionals and relevant agencies in each of the eligible areas, this report assesses the structure of and ways to best develop the games industry in the Honeycomb eligible area. Global economic forecast research is reviewed providing key data on anticipated future growth trends. This research helps provide evidence to inform both industry and policymakers.

Published on: 30 June, 2015

Smart Moves: Developing the Interactive Media Sector

The interactive media sector in the overall Honeycomb eligible area and each eligible region is profiled in this report. Skills needs and broader issues facing the sector's development are detailed. In addition to this, the report features best practice and company case studies, as well as economic forecast data. The Honeycomb baseline survey, a qualitative survey of the sector involving research interviews and a review of future forecast research provides the report's evidence base. Both industry and policymakers will find evidence in this report to help shape their future decision-making.

Published on: 03 June, 2015

Keeping the Beat: Developing the Music Technology Sector

Keeping the Beat illustrates the current structure and scale of the music technology sector in the Honeycomb eligible areas. It assesses skills issues as well as wider challenges and opportunities in future development of the sector. It provides a context for the sector amongst broader changes and developments in the role of music technology across the global music industry. It also explores relevant economic data to suggest how the sector may develop in the future.

Published on: 18 June, 2015

That's not all folks: Developing the Animation Sector

This report assesses the current structure and ways to best develop the animation industry in the Honeycomb eligible areas. It provides a context for the animation industry in the countries the eligible areas are located. It explores the extent of development and nature of the animation industry in the eligible areas. It assesses the future growth potential of the animation sector and reviews economic forecast research on the animation industry to provide key data on anticipated future growth trends.

Published on: 13 August, 2015

Survey results - the digital content sector in the Honeycomb regions

Below are the full survey results from the Honeycomb survey across the digital content sector in the Honeycomb eligible areas. This provides a range of baseline data for the digital content sector. The results are in excel format and are available for further analysis.

Published on: 13 August, 2015

Survey results - Northern Ireland

The detailed Honeycomb survey results for the Northern Ireland eligible area overall, as well as specific digital content sub-sectors in the Northern Ireland eligible area, are available below. The results are in excel format and are available for further analysis.

Published on: 13 August, 2015

Survey results - western Scotland

The detailed Honeycomb survey results for the western Scotland eligible area overall, as well as specific digital content sub-sectors in the western Scotland eligible area, are available below. The results are in excel format and are available for further analysis.

Published on: 13 August, 2015

Survey results - Republic of Ireland border counties

The detailed Honeycomb survey results for the Republic of Ireland eligible area (the six border counties) overall, as well as specific digital content sub-sectors in the Republic of Ireland eligible area, are available below. The results are in excel format and are available for further analysis.

Published on: 13 August, 2015

Digital Content Sector Baseline Survey - Summary Report

This report provides an outline of the findings emerging from the Honeycomb survey of digital content companies and freelancers in the Honeycomb eligible areas. The survey was undertaken by Ashbrook Research on behalf of the Honeycomb Partnership.

Published on: 31 March, 2014